Photo of 2024 competitive exhibits displayed on long tables with fabric skirts around the tables. Displayed are kids crafts, floral arrangements, baking, photography. Visitors in the background
Enter your baking, produce, preserves, photography or kids creations into the Fall Fair Competition! From floral arrangements and Lego creations, to pigeons and carnivorous plants, there are hundreds of categories to compete in to show off your creativity and maker skills. Check out the following pages for categories.
Four Ways to Enter in the Luxton Fair Competitive Exhibits
1) Submit your entries via our online entry form:
Click here to get started!
2) E-Mail Your Entry information anytime before Monday Sept. 22nd to:
Include the following information:
- Name, address, phone, and e-mail address
- If junior entrant under 18 yrs., include age and school name
- Class Number and Description as listed in book
- Then bring entry fees and your goods (entries) on Thursday, Sept. 26th between 2-6 pm for judging! Your entries will be on display for the public to see all weekend until Sunday at 5pm
3) Submit Entry Forms in Person by Monday, September 22nd:
Pick up and submit your completed entry form and fees to Fair Office at 1040 Marwood Avenue including class/section number :
Leave form in entry box on outside of office anytime Monday Sept. 23rd between 3-7 pm or, mail to Luxton Fall Fair, 1040 Marwood Ave. Victoria V9C 3C4. Or call.
4) Submitting late entry (after Monday Sept. 22nd 7 pm) register online or leave form in entry box before 5pm Thursday Sept. 24th (Late entries pay double fees)
NEXT, bring your exhibits to Pioneer Hall, Luxton Fair Grounds on Thursday, September 25th 2-6 pm for judging.
Entry Fees
Entry fees are $.50 for children or $1.00 for adults per item entered. For late entries (after Monday Sept 22nd at 7 pm) fees are double: $1.00 for children or $2.00 for adults.
Fees may be paid in cash, or cheque payable to LUXTON FALL FAIR
Entry tags for attaching to your exhibits (entries) will be in the Pioneer Hall.
- Please give yourself plenty of time to get your entries ready for judging.
- Late entries only accepted to 5 pm to allow time for preparation of entry tags etc. (cut-off may be earlier depending on volume of late entries.)
- Luxton Hall will be closed for accepting entries and to the public at 6 pm. You can stay until 6:15 to have time to display your entries (we will help!)
- Judging starts promptly at 7 pm.
Prizes Per Entry:
Adults: 1st Place: $3.00 2nd Place: $2.00
Children: 1st Place: $2.00 2nd Place: $1.00 3rd Place: 50 cents
Pickup your entries and any prize money from the Pioneer Hall on Sunday, September 28th 5-6 pm